Saturday, October 08, 2005

Slashfood: "Sushi By Dummies - Chopsticks: Rub Them the Wrong Way

Hopefully, you’d never find yourself at a sushi bar that actually gave you those horrible disposable wooden chopsticks in a paper wrapper that has a three-step diagram of how to hold and use them. (1. Hold one chopstick like a pencil....)

If you do happen to find yourself at such a place, perhaps for a quick lunch because it wasn’t, God forbid, your choice, resist the urge to rub the chopsticks together to “sand” them down. That's just rude.

So then what do you do about possibly piercing your cheek with one of those splinters?! My recommendation is to stay away from that restaurant, duh. Oh, okay, just put the chopsticks down and use your hands instead. We already said that was quite alright."

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